The Toddler & Preschooler Nutrition manual
What comes after starting solids? This book will answer all of our nutrition questions for your one to fiver year old. And includes a bonus 5-day family meal plan!
Download your book now!What comes after starting solids?
Unsure about how to move to family meals?
Panicked as your child is starting to eat less and refuse more and more foods?
Worried your child is not get enough food and nutrients to grow well?
Plain confused about who to deal with treats and sweets to raise a child who has a healthy food relationship?

I'm here to help you take the confusion out of feeding your little one so you can:
- Have a child that eats the amount of food he or she needs to grow well. Â
- Raise a happy, well-nourished eater who has a healthy relationship with food (without a fight!)
- Actually enjoy mealtime with your kids and create some good family memories around the table
- Feel confident in what and how you feed your kids.
Hi, I'm Jen
I believe raising happy, well-nourished eaters who have a healthy relationship with food doesn’t have to be a battle.
I’m a mom of three kids, a Registered Dietitian with a BSc and MSc in nutrition and have owned First Step Nutrition for 16 years.
I’ve helped hundreds of clients with feeding their families. My ultimate goal is to help make mealtimes a positive place for everyone and set your child up to have a life-long positive relationship with food.

What you'll learn
This is a 71 page PDF download + 5 day meal plan to help you nourish your little one with confidence!
Feel free to flip back and forth and learn about:
- After Baby-led Weaning
- Balanced Nutrition
- Milk & Alternatives
- Sweets & Dessert
- Growth
- Family Meal Time & Meal Planning
- Division of Responsibility
- Picky Eating
- Raising Intuitive Eaters
- Dealing with caretakers & grandparents